Tuesday, September 18, 2007

oh, my goodness......i'm famous!

The other afternoon I went strolling around Okpo. I usually will get out in the afternoon when it is cooler but I really haven't done that since I have returned since it has been so warm. After all the rain we have been having, it was nice to walk around town.

While walking, I met up with two friends of mine and we went into a little shop that sells Korean chests, pottery and souvenirs. As we entered the store, 2 other expatriate women were leaving. One of them turned to me and said, "I think I have met you before." I didn't recognize her and we both started to try to figure out where she might have met me. All the sudden she exclaimed, "You're Kim in Korea!" I immediately became very flustered and somewhat embarressed. It turns out that she moved here 2 months ago from Brazil. She had gone online to try to get some information on Okpo and came across my blog. I was trying to remember what pictures of myself I had posted when she said, "you are in it too!", to one of my friends. Then I realized that she was referring to one of the photos on a recent blog about our visit to the Geoje Art Center. I then had to explain everything to my friends, who aren't as up-to-date as me on the blogworld. (I am just being facetious, of course.)

I started all of this for myself and family members, but it was sort of flattering to meet someone that took time to read my blog. I am sure I will come across her again on the streets of Okpo. It was really nice to meet her and she let me take her picture............!


Anonymous said...

What a fun story! And I love the pottery in the window of taht store think I would buy it.

Anonymous said...

You certainly are!! I was very glad to meet you and hope we can get together sometime. Maybe next time you can give me your autograph!

Anonymous said...

Dear anonymous,
You should see inide the store! You would want to buy ALL of them!!