Sunday, April 15, 2007

sunny saturday

We finally had a beautiful day here and since Ken was finally home, we decided to take a little outing. So we packed a picnic and headed out for the day. Very close to us is the Okpo Great Victory Commemorative Park . There isn't a whole lot to see there but the beautiful setting made it definitely worthwhile. The cherry blossoms are spent but we now have scads of azaleas, mainly in red and purple.
Wisteria is also blooming on arbors around here. We trekked up the steps to the top of the mountain, where you can look out over the water. It was nice and sunny and made Ken want to just lie down and take a nap (he is still a little bit jet lagged).
There was a small museum of artifacts, a temple
and a large monument on top of the mountain that was quite interesting.
The zoom on my camera was acting up and I didn't realize it at the time, so most of my shots I took with it didn't come out. Hopefully I have that problem fixed.

After eating, we got back into the car and headed north to Daekpo Beach. Once again, we mainly just enjoyed the scenery and the sunshine. You could see divers out in the the water diving for ???

We then continued north along the coast, noting the various beaches and villages along the way. Some beaches are fairly sandy while others are covered with smooth rocks and pebbles.
We also passed by President Kim's birthplace but decided we didn't want to stop. Once in awhile we saw construction on the Geoje Island - Busan bridge/tunnel. I think this is around 4 years away until completion. It will be great for the island because you either have to take a ferry or drive 2 - 2 1/2 hours to get to Busan now. All in all, we had a great day.

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