Sunday, February 17, 2008

happy birthday kipperman!!!

Today is Kip's birthday. I wish I could be there for a celebration with him. Usually he gets a McDonald's hamburger and some ice cream. I am sure that this year will be celebrated appropriately with his foster family (my parents). I can't believe he is only 14 years old, I feel like he has been with me my entire life. Anyone that knows him, knows that he is really an a little angel in a poodle costume.

It was a hard decision not to bring Kip to Korea with us. We miss him terribly but know that he is in a home that loves him (in fact, my mother has taken all these pictures of Kip and sends them to me!) and caters to his every whim such as..... he gets up way early, eats and goes back to sleep; he just stands at the door to be let out and expects you to be watching and know that - no barking for him!; he sometimes likes to be hand fed; he can't hear very well anymore so you have to take that into consideration; he likes Sunday morning breakfast (actually, he likes any breakfast...., or lunch, or dinner); he likes to sit at the table with the family whenever invited, whether it is for food or games;
he doesn't like to be outside much anymore; I could go on and on! We just felt the flight would be too long for an older poodle that was set in his ways. Plus, I would be going back and forth from Korea to Texas a few times a year and that would mean more trips. I do miss him terribly though, especially whenever I see a dog in Korea.

There are stories about dogs in Korea and how they serve dogmeat at some restaurants, and unfortunately it is true. The way it is done is a cruel practice and hopefully it is on the decline. I really don't want to get into specifics because it upsets me so. On the other hand, you do see an awful lot of pampered dogs on the streets.

And there are several pet stores in town that have the little ones in the window with all their clothes and dyed ears!

Yes, those are shoes....!

To close, here are a few more pictures of some of the little ones I have seen around town that are hopefully loved and appreciated for their companionship and loyalty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful tribute to Kip. He deserves it - He is extra speciAL.